Like this... There was a girl, or whatever... Correction: There was an IT, who told everyone IT was a girl. And then IT stopped calling itself a girl, or kind of... IT went confused and told half of everyone IT was a girl, and the rest IT was a boy. And noone really knew, since all of this happened online, and the IT could hide itself behind a screen...
Yeah. This could be the weirdest beginning to a funny story. Or just another day in a life.
I don´t see the point in lying. About anything, ever. And I´m kind of wellknown for not being able to shut up about things I dislike... So I asked IT if IT wanted a sexchange for IT´s birthday. "What do you want for your birthday (screen name here)? A sexchange?" IT went all crazylike. Suddenly my screen turned in to a freaking episode of Dallas. All drama. And IT asked if I called IT a lier. "Well... yeah" My brother got into my apartment and tried to chat with IT, since he knows IT better then I´ve ever done. But that did not help at all..
(Actually: IT sais IT never played with my character, and never wrote anything to me. My suggestion is for IT to go see a doctor for that memoryloss)
IT started to spam things like "bitch", "you should suck (don´t remember exactly what it was I was supposed to suck)" *already been to doctors for my memoryloss*, there was something about "backstabbing", "insults", and IT called me a "kid" a lot of times. Oh yeah... retard aswell, not correctly spelled ofc. I thought IT would be tired after a while, considering all the energy IT put in to IT´s writing. But IT kept going for an hour or so.
IT went offline, and you could think it would stop here. I did. But then again, I´ve been wrong before, and have the guts to admit that.
The IT went to another online sight and started all kind of bullshitting. Talking about how 1000 dogs cannot get to a lion. How I don´t know who I´m messing with, how IT has dark sides. Should I feel threatend? Maybe. Do I? Nah... I like the dark, and lions are just really big cats. I love cats. And I kind of work with sick people, so I don´t think they´re scary either. And girls are not scary, boys are not scary, and the inbetweens ehm... well I guess they are like E.T, all funny and really, really cute!
Now to the meaning of this. IT posted the bullshitting and threats on a sight I´m not a member in. It´s always so easy to bullshit people when they can´t write back, right? And it´s so brave of someone to threat people when they do not hear it. That takes a lot of currage! I would clap my hands for you if it wasn´t for all the shaking they´re going through right now, when I´m so scared I can´t breath...
Oops... I lied. *Applause*
Dear IT!
If you have a problem with people calling you a lier - don´t lie.
Now, you´re more then welcome to write to me here. Tell me whatever´s on your wicked mind. And I would really love to hear what you have to say about me. I have no problem with you hating me. But I´m kind of concerned about you boring a lot of other people with your issues with me, eventually they will get sick of you, and we don´t want that to happen, do we? And this "kid" is btw 28 years old, living in Sweden. And actually a girl, for real, all the time. Truth.
About the bitch part... Thats a name for a female dog. Which leads me to your story about the 1000 dogs and the lion. You may be right about 1000 dogs not getting to a lion, but then again, you´re not a lion. That´s a hallucination dear.
You´re a really sick puppy, and whether you´ll admit it or not, this bitch just got to you.
Get well soon.